Not every girl approaches the computer only to twist the amorous affairs in The Sims and solve adventure puzzles. The beautiful floor can be met on the battlefields Battlefield 3, and on football fields FIFA 2012, and in Need for Speed: The Run Many are not averse to chase.

Graceful ladies' pens also reached out to progying, which gave rise to hot disputes inside the gaming community: how to be with this mysterious phenomenon – “women's e -sports”? Some say: Down with discrimination – girls need to constantly participate in "mixed" tournaments and catch up with men! Others understand that the indicators of strength, dexterity and endurance in the weaker sex are still slightly different, and advocate for purely girlish competitions.

But in most disciplines there are not enough girls for this .

E -experts, cyberhomosomols and just beauties

[[Bullet]] International composition Fnatic Female is a former one of the strongest female commands in CS 1.6 in the history of the game.

Why are e -sportsmen so few?

Perhaps due to the variability of the female mood.“I don't want to decide, I want a dress!"And all that. Many girls are very unstable and impatient by nature, and they are accustomed to yield only to their beloved man. Seriously burned in the first lesions, they quickly cool to e -sports.

[[Bullet]] M5.Female at a large Parisian tournament Electronic Sports World Cup 2011.

The next probable reason is the division of labor, which has been since the time of the Paleolithic. While women maintained fire in the hearth, men went to a mammoth and fought the wall on the wall. Here is the "competitive instinct" in the beautiful half of humanity and has not developed sufficiently. ESports proposes to join an open and almost honest confrontation. Here, as in traditional sports, you can fully feel the real spirit of rivalry: hesitated – get a headshot, did not have time to accumulate the army – your comfortable base was won, but went into the frontal attack – and the opponent trembled ..

[[Bullet]] ex-player SK Ladies, and now Ubinited-American Stephanie Harvey.

Sexual discrimination plays an important role. It is worth a closed e -sportsman to see the precious artifact “Tits +3” from a potential enemy, and that’s all!.. In front of him is no longer an opponent in the game, but an object for flirting. Guys show off the girls with a hail of poisonous ridicule, and in order to earn the recognition of those who play with you in the same game, you must really try very hard. This is what the girls themselves say about this:

[Greeny (Virtus.Pro)] “There are few tournaments for us, small prize prizes, and if not, the male population begins to be surprised:“ For which you have that kind of money?»The guys do not consider us for equal rivals, and when we offer to play, few people are seriously. It is easier if the team has a more or less famous clan-tag ".

[Mosya (Moscow Five)] “Naturally, in cyberscure, it is common that girls play an order of magnitude worse than guys, so we often become an object for jokes and a biased attitude. However, every girl who seriously takes up the game and seeks to achieve a decent level, as a result, achieves her own and can easily put any guy in place. If we talk about the top players, then on their part you can rarely hear something offensive to female e-sports, more often the opposite: they are ready to help and tell something in the game ”.

However, in the playing community, one -time successes of the weaker sex are often explained by a simple success (or, as they say, “free”), and there is nothing worse for the male team than “merge” girls. You, I think, imagine what a resonance threatens such a defeat ..

[[Bullet]] Millenium female. Strong Frenchwoman at the ESWC home this year stopped just a step until victory.

It would seem that in matches between male and female teams the latter should have a psychological advantage … But in fact, this is not so. The level of game in men is still on average higher, and they play much more aggressive. Therefore, such matches often go to the "one gate". Ladies' groups, if they do not get any installation on the game a couple of times, often “scatter” and give way without a fight.

Now the girls in e -sports occupy their narrow niche, and there is no need to wait for the female proging paper in the near future: only a few teams in Counter-Strike 1.6 and individual players in Starcraft II Constantly by ear. In other disciplines, the girls could not properly “light up” at the world level.

"Slot" Counter-Strike 1.6

In the team discipline Counter-Strike 1.6 Women's groups appeared a long time ago and eventually turned into a small community. Earlier, the organizers of tournaments and large sponsors were very attracted to women's competitions in CS 1.6. Girls in the game are extremely emotional: they scream, scream and rejoice at the victories like children, so watching the hot confrontations of the Female Commander-there is pleasure. And if the team has a couple of beauties – this is an additional source of profit, because the advertising of sponsorship products and team photo shoots has not yet been canceled.

[[Bullet]] Frag Movie one of the best teams in the history of women's CS 1.6 – fnatic.Female.

Today, large Female tournaments on CS 1.6 are extremely rare: no more than two or three a year, but the fault of this is a weak influx of new players, and not a drop in the entertainment of female competitions. Yes, and the game itself, what a sin to hide, graphically outdated and gradually loses its popularity. From the relevant tournaments I want to highlight Electronic Sports World Cup ( ESWC ) – the World Cup Championship in Paris annually in Paris. For girls, the ESWC Grand Final The Main event of the year, and getting to the championship is the dream of any women's team.

[[Bullet]] American SK Ladies-the most titled team in the women's Counter-Strike 1.6.

But in the history of Female CS there are recognized leaders – SK , Fnatic , Millenium And Alternate , And this is besides two Russian teams, which we will talk about below. Five from the USA (Missharvey, Potter, JSO, Ali, Benita), famous for performances for SK, deserves special attention. This is perhaps the most powerful team in the history of female progaminding and the only one who can resist the middle male teams on equal terms. We could observe this within Gamegune Mexico 2009. Girls defeated several Latin American teams in a row, but then in the net lost to the future winner, Americans Evil Geniuses. The team spoke especially well at the women's championships under the auspices of ESWC, where over the past five years, the Americans have won four gold.

Even guys note the high level of the game of these Americans. Girls profess an aggressive "male" style and always impose their game to the opponent. “Ex” -SK for a long time a cut above the rest of the women's groups, but still does not reach the best male.

Our girls are more beautiful all the others

The main achievements of Russian girls are also associated with Counter-Strike 1.6, what is the great merit of two teams: Forze And Moscowfive.

And it all started with Megapolis , which can be safely called the first professional women's team of our country. Most of the famous athletes – Anna Savvateeva (Venema), Olga Pak (Pachella), Nina Omelchenko, Lidia Stracanova (Marla) and Svetlana Alekseeva – played in this team.

Megapolis quickly became the best in the CIS, but at world tournaments they were not able to win anything. Four years ago, the team terribly performed in two important competitions: at Dreamhack Summer 2007 they took third place among four groups, and on the ESWC 2007 they did not leave the first group at all. As a result, a crisis erupted in the team, and the girls decided to “cut the splash” – change the composition and go to another team. A few more months will pass, and they will find a new house – the Forze team.

[[Bullet]] ex- “Mousesports Ladies”-girls who can “surprise”.

For many years, it was Forze that was the permanent leader of Female CS in the CIS. It should be noted the fourth place of the girls in the prestigious online league ESL EMS Season II , Fifth – on ESWC 2008, and this is besides many won Russian tournaments!

As in the first case, over time the team stopped growing, and in 2009 I had to change the composition for the second time, which lasted two years. After uniting with the best players competitor Forze – Pincho Ladies (MEG, Ashlee and Exilia came to the team), Olga Pak and comrades were again ready for new achievements. But their plans included frequent visits to world championships, and Forze did not do the best with financial. Athletes began to look for alternative options and soon went to the famous organization mousesports.

The German team offered them cooperation, and the girls, changing the name, began to represent the "mice" in the CS 1 discipline.6 Female. The Germans, who, in the main sponsors, were then listed by Razer, Reebok and Alienware, in addition to salaries and paid trips to international competitions equipped with REEBOK -Sportsmen and computer "iron".

The first tournament of the newly made Mousesports Ladies became the European championship in Poland, which the ladies won, as they say, on the move. It was an outstanding victory, because on PAN-EUROPEAN TOURNAMENT 2009 All the best women's teams in Europe gathered. Feeling that any sea to them on elegant knees, the girls soon won the CIS Cup among women's teams ( Female Proseries Cyberrana TV ), again proved his leadership in the post -Soviet space. You can also note their third place in Kiev Arbalet Female Cup.

[Bullet]] photo shoot of the former Russian team Mousesports Ladies for German organization and sponsors.

Now the girls represent the female team Virtus. Pro ; True, last year there was little about them, since Female tournaments in 2011 were almost not held.

It seemed that the leadership of this five in our country would be eternal, but soon the young generation began to advance on the heels of the titled e -sportsmen. In the fall of 2010, women's composition was created Moscowfive (SON1A, Tatu, Vendetta, Mosya, Melkaya, SA1NT). Before joining M5, these girls played for Russian teams such as Eyesports , Empire , Rippers etc.

For an extremely short time, the girls managed to achieve good results: 5-8 places on the Dreamhack Winter 2010 and in the ESL women's Euroleague, victory on ASUS Winter, ASUS Spring, ICSC 7, Esport Universe, second place on Kisskillers Cup.

[[Bullet]] Women's composition Moscowfive in CS 1.6 According to the results of 2011 – the best team of Russia.

Parisian ESWC 2011 became a turning point for M5 Female. The team was seriously preparing for the championship at its suburban base, however, due to visa problems, the place of the coordinator of the team Veronika Albasheeva had to be occupied by Stanislav Zotkina ( SA1NT ). But even the replacement of such a valuable player did not prevent M5 Female from taking an honorable third place. In the semifinals, they lost to the legendary Americans, but in a bronze match of stone they did not leave a team from a team from Brazil.

And just the other day, the girls confirmed the pattern of past successes with the victory on Rockstar Female World Cup.

Not uniform players ..

Women's e -sports is not limited to players alone. In addition to them, there are specialized journalists, streamers and leading large tournaments.

You can recall the wife of a popular player in Warcraft III And Starsraft II – Dutchman Manuel Schengheisen (Grubby). Cassandra girl, better known as PowerPuff_Girl, although he has no serious gaming achievements, but has long been writing on various e -sports portals, travels around tournaments with his lover, and is also a kind of manager of the famous Dutchman.

► Cassandra Schenkheisen, wife of the Legend of Warcraft III – Dutchman Grubby. ► Korean with Ji Su (Tossgirl) – “First Lady” in SC: Broodwar.

In South Korea, it is very popular with Ji SU, better known as Tossgirl. This is perhaps the most famous game girl in Starsraft: Broodwar for the entire existence of the game. The main achievement of the Koreanka is the third place on ESWC Starcraft Division in 2009. Thanks to very popularity in Asia, she recently signed a sponsorship contract with Seagate and now advertises their products.

A similar contract was concluded by the Swede Zainab Turks ( Zaaz ), the famous ex-player of Fnatic Female in the CS 1 discipline.6. She represented the company Qpad , producing mice, keyboards and rugs. In addition to "fanatics", the Swede at one time played for Mym , Pink Zinic And Alternate. The first serious success for her was the gold medal on the ESWC 2008, as part Les Seules. And according to the results of the championship Fnatic Play Zainab was awarded the title of MVP (Most Valuable Player) The best player of the tournament.

Exactly Zaaz Many spectators consider the first beauty of female e -sports, she is a repeated winner of the "prize of the audience sympathy". For its successes, Zaaz can thank colleagues from various Swedish teams, with whom she often played. Recently, Zaynab announced the intention to complete the foreman's career, but was soon again noticed as a player – this time for the German team Alternate.

► Zainab Turks (Zaaz). Played for Fnatic, Mym, Les Seules and Pink Zinic. Many consider her the most beautiful e -sports girl. ► Anna Proser. The title of Miss Oregon 2011 does not prevent the girl from working on the prestigious American league MLG.

In the United States, many lovers of Starsraft II are widely known charming Anna Proser. Miss Oregon 2011 – a fan of the star strategy from Blizzard and part -time – a girl of the famous player EG.Incontrol, which, however, does not prevent her from working as an interviewer for a prestigious American league MLG (Major League Gaming). Judging by her numerous interviews with the best players in the world, Anna is well versed in the new trends and intricacies of the game.

We also have someone to note. Evgenia Kitanda has been working for the benefit of the Goodgame portal for many Behind her is a visit to many large world championships, such as WCG, ASUS, etc. In her portfolio – a lot of interviews with both domestic and world computer sports stars. Large community of is hard to imagine today without Evgenia.

► Evgenia Kitanda – a famous journalist working on ► Irina Semencha (Runcha) for several years helped the male composition of Virtus.Pro in organizational matters.

And finally, one cannot fail to mention Irina Semenova (runcha).

Although she never played professionally, she was a long time manager Virtus.Pro, who at the time of her "government" achieved the most tangible results. Irina is still in Virtus camp.Pro is more responsible for cooperation with current and potential sponsors than for the gameplay.

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