The formula of the game

40% style of George Martin

30% Dragon Age 2

20% of the game "Witcher 2: Kings killers"

10% kotor

And there was a great battle.

On the one hand – hordes of fans of the saga "Song of Ice and Flame" J.P.P. Martina and the series "Games of Thrones". They wanted everything and at once – a huge open world with increased interactivity, a strong plot with a “witcher” moral choice, side quests are no less than in Fallout 2 , level graphics Battlefield 3 , complex role -playing system, as in Neverwinter Nights 2 .

On the other hand, a handful of independent daredevils from Cyanide Studio, with a limited budget, without a powerful publishing house behind their backs, for many years who went to a cherished dream – make a role -playing game Game of Thrones RPG Based on the confrontation of great houses.

The release struck. And the crowds of fans went to storm ..


The raven levis, the service is coming

Cyanide Studio, criticized to fluff after a raw strategy A Game of Thrones: Genesis, relied on the atmosphere of the original and the original “Martinovsky” plot, in which the heroes constantly have to make transactions with his conscience, and they are allowed positive characters into the expense without looking. Looking ahead, I will say that they succeeded. But for the rest of the independent studio, I had to save.

► on the famous ice wall, one of the symbols of the Western kingdoms, you cannot rise. You can only admire the weightless raven.

Therefore, in a black castle, the very first game location, raven meets us … Hanging in the air. And the doors "drawn" on buildings for show, in the best traditions of the Potemkin villages. And NPC, with which you can not spread even a couple of phrases. And the camera, which in the first training battle hints that she will take a couple of successful angles for a start, so be it, but in the future such a generium should not wait.

Black Castle, and all subsequent locations, whether it is the royal harbor, a mill town or the Mother of God, are reduced to the corridors ending with the tight closers of Pope Carlo with "cardboard foci". And no matter how much the researcher pokes a curious nose, these gloomy decorations cannot be pierced. Active chests, bags, cabinets are not very much to create at least the appearance of a living world. And from their generosity, the player most often falls out banal coins, less often – weapons or armor. Unless the Meister’s seals with information about Westeros and free cities will delight beginners who are not familiar with the original source.

► The Mother of God is extremely inexpressive. And if you speak directly – simply mediocre.

Such an inhospitability of the fake world steamed with outdated graphics will scare away a large number of adventurers who give the endless sandbox and the main plot in breaks between "Kacha". But the plot in Game of Thrones RPG resembles an armored train. He was a bulky, rustled in order, rolls only along the rails, painfully accelerates for a long time … And what power makes this monster when he, having gained move, begins to “shell” players with bright characters on dangerous turns.

Saga Saga Saga

Cyanide Studio, created in 2000 by Ubisoft immigrants, probably would still produce sports games, if it is not a passion for the fantasy worlds. It was she who brought the French back to the distant 2004 to J.P.P. Martin, agree on cooperation. And while the writer was thinking whether it was better to contact Bethesda SoftWorks, the French managed to release an amazing Chaos League, in which fantasy races played bloody American football. And this was just the beginning of the way to the universes of the magic.

In Vesteros on bicycles

In 2007, they moved to the role from the physical and traumatic fantasy of Cyanide: they took the dynamics from sports, the fighting-from Titan Quest, deities – from the mythology of our world (TQ again to help). Their first pancake Loki It turned out to be a lumpy and fresh, but did not fail: in it it was possible to dashing the enemies and offer prayers to the gods. It is enough to saturate the spinal gyrus with adrenaline.

► Cersei Lannister with his own person. Very similar to serial.

All this time, the French did not leave attempts to get the rights to develop games in the universe "Song of Ice and Flame". But only in 2009, the gray -defending fortress of Martin hung white flags. Cyanide, bursting into a stronghold, took up the strategy simultaneously Game of Thrones: Genesis and for the rpg of the same name. The announcement of the latter “accidentally” took place after a year and a half, just before the release of multi -part film adaptation "Game of Thrones". After the phenomenal success of Cyanide's film adaptation, they signed an agreement with the TV channel HBO : Book characters design (Cersei Lannister, Gior Mormont, Varis Spider) and partly their voice acting become “serial”.

Blood Flood Beadon

The main characters of this story, Morse Westfold and Aester Sarvik, are characters who are fully consistent with Martin's spirit, but invented by the developers themselves. Morse, similar to Geralt's aged and beaten and beaten by life, fifteen years ago left the Lannisters to put on black and guard the seven kingdoms from the wild. Aester Sarvik is the priest of R’glora, with a deliberately villainous appearance through which mind and determination appear, after a fifteen -year exile returns to Westeros. Morse gets a strange and dangerous guardianship over a mysterious stranger, Aester intends to scratch the tribal castle and a title of paws of Bastard Brother. Hero wardrobes break from poorly hidden skeletons, and both of them "Sentenced" to the very game of the thrones from which either come out by winners or die.

► underground arena in sewage, source source, and its main star is Lucifer.

In some chapters, the plot will push the heroes with their foreheads and lead them together along narrow corridors, in others to separate again – and rule over the player, offering the choice of children from children's horror stories over and over again: “Either the mother will die, or the earth will die, which is better?»Retelling the narrative does not make sense – you can only dive into this whirlpool of events, having previously prayed seven to be torn away from the computer and laid in bed.

Here Cyanide surpassed themselves; They manage to lead us from event to event in one breath. Very “Martinovski”-exquisitely, ruthless, exciting. The dialog box, by the way, is made in the spirit of the latest BioWare projects. But the local heroes, unlike the straight -line Shepard or Hawk, are honestly guided by the situation: whether to admit in their plans, to lie or even take a slippery conversation in a different direction.

► on the left is what remains of fruit drink after torture. On the right – his tormentor, gutted. It’s still alive, but it will be very painful now ..

Dog R’Glor

The battles in Game of Thrones resemble group fights at Neverwinter Nights 2 – when the hero comes to the enemy is close enough, he immediately goes to fight, striking in automatic mode. Solk, if any, briskly, from a place to the quarry, hurries to the rescue. Enemies do the same, periodically stuck in the walls. The player can only slow down the time, as in "Witcher 2: Kings killers", In order to slowly choose the necessary special forces, heal, pick up energy, switch from the target to the target or take control over another ally.

And since the temporary partners of the fruit drink and Aleser either die like flies, or expectedly betray, you don’t have time to get used to it, you subconsciously wait for the moment when the main characters will begin to work in pairs.

The effectiveness of the bloody duet will depend on the correctly selected rack – an analogue of the class. Morse selects from three power, determining the power of the armor and the style of the battle: the tank knight-“tank”, the boundary knight-“controller” with a two-handed, and Magnar is a berserker with weapons in each hand. Aester relies on speed: Water dancer is a fencer, a mercenary is an assassin, and an archer is a shooter and there is a shooter. Westfold is more focused on heavy armor, sarwick – on the lungs. Each rack has its own tree of specials and passive skills-and if at the seventh level you can’t choose an additional rack for a variety, but to explore the existing one-even a complex level will not seem for something insurmountable.

► Vessel with wild fire costs a hundred silver "deer", but the damage causes tangible. But the simple fire Aester will eventually receive “Nash”.

For the types of weapons – crushing against heavy armor, pricking against medium and cutting against the lungs – the points of specialization are also provided. Modifiers give only 0.01 to damage for each point of skill and a couple of tenths of percent to the chance. However, in the last chapters and such stingy handouts begin to bring tangible benefits.

Separate item – distinguishing features. We are free to choose three constant positive character traits (more skills, critical damage, weapons bonus, etc.D.), but they must be balanced by the minuses, which we choose again ourselves.

► Magic creatures are found only in the final. It is better to deal with the first shadow until the second.

Well, and without additional talents could not be. Aleser has magic R’glora: enjoying opponents, finding hiding places and even resurrection. The harsh fruit drinks – "Lyutobuldog" nicknamed the dog. This animal not only has passed the short Stlace special course at Tobias Ripper and can now pull out the throat lonely enemies, attacking from the back, neutralize or turn off the enemy in a direct battle; It is also able to find production by smell, like quest characters. Fiery magic and dog joys have their own special accumulations. An interesting idea is to contrast God's gift of a trained dog.

We will add to this also mandatory characteristics, glasses for which are sparingly and through the level. The role system is complex and multifaceted? Alas, not for all modes – on the light __ you can not be distracted from the cup of coffee and “these soft French buns”, leaving the heroes to automatically choose blows and opponents. And for the average there is a simple combination of two slaughter specialized specialists, you can not be fooled by switching between the heroes and the distribution of orders to each manually.

► "Stlass" ended. Now, in order to bite the enemy, you need to click the left mouse's left key.

There is something in this from the approach Mass Effect 3 -The level of complexity of the squire (in fact the squire, of course) allows you to completely not notice the fight, the knight makes it possible to fight a little, but only so that the player does not forget that they are actually fighting here. And only the Lord's regime forces the majority of techniques to use. If only there was enough energy that quickly runs out after a couple of specialses.

This rocket turns any city into Syzran

► important characters and the main characters are made at a decent level.

If the animation of the fighting, thanks to the UE 3 engine, still looks decent, then it hurts to look at the chatting heroes. The ladies suddenly find stone breasts, pumped solar plexus and problems with the shoulder joints, men simply occasionally turn their heads and reluctantly make passes with their hands. The front animation was not far from bodily, although I suspect, few expected Lip Sync from this role -playing game. The graphic imperfection should have masked the camera, with the change of angles and the transition from general plans to large ones, as, for example, in the Witmakovsky stage Shani's parties. But there was not enough French -staged scenes. Therefore, thanks again to the dialogues subtracted and approved by Martin himself; They at least somehow smooth out the difficulties of communication. Like most other shortcomings, however.

Passing Game of Thrones RPG, I once woke up and thought: "Today I will read more". Plus – the word "necessarily". Turning away from the game is really very difficult. Minus – the word "read". Even high complexity leaves the aftertaste of an interactive book. And, it seems, the battles are attracted here only so that I, do not give P’Glor, do not master this wonderful story in one day. With all the variety of characteristics, special intensifications and skills.

► Some enemies attack the castle, others – protect from the last forces. Very convenient chose time to give birth!

Before the final of the game, I already clearly knew which side would avoid and what choice I will make. An extremely difficult choice. But the ending forced to choose another way in the last second, more bloody, but leaving hope. Because the endings are not so shocking, but … no, they are still shocking. They are even too "martino". The game requires, directly yells about the continuation. But already with another budget.


  • The plot comparable to the plot "Witcher", and sometimes surpassing it
  • Extremely tough moral choice
  • characters that you empathize from and to
  • "Stealth" Lutobuldog
  • "The plastic world won, the layout was stronger"
  • Camera selecting the most uncomfortable angles
  • outdated graphics
  • linearity, corridor, narrowness of locations
The main ratings






Interface and management


Sound and music

"Achivka editors"
Varg of the people

Click the Lyutobuldog a hundred enemies.

Special ratings


The narrative

The feeling that you read the next, “apocryphal” book, Martin's book did not leave from the very first chapters to the epilogue.



Gorgeous book, amazing series. The French had to sell another soul, but to knock out additional finances from somewhere. Could not.

Site assessment



Game of Thrones RPG returns us to the forgotten genre "Book-game". Fans of Martin's works will pass it in one breath, spitting on graphic roughness and poverty of the surrounding world. But only amateurs. Unlike HBO, who were invested in full in order to show the audience the world of ice and flame, the French from Cyanide did not have enough strength and means. But even with all the disadvantages, Got seriously carries – because it makes you start off from your own decisions.

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