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Hotly expected For Honor It is difficult to call a realistic game. In an effort to make it interesting, the developers brought together three factions together, which had no opportunity to converge in a real battle. Well, at the same time we went on the lead of stereotypes to make the project more vivid and spectacular. The game, of course, did not, rather, on the contrary, even the opposite, especially since the events of For Honor take place in a fictional world. But today we are interested in historical facts, and, curious, many things in the game have not moved so far from reality.
Now we will talk about some entertaining things from the life of real samurai, knights and Vikings, albeit indirectly, but still reflected in the game.
For Honor – a trailer for an open beta test ..
Vikings and samurai in a very unusual way checked their weapons ..
For For Honor, the best way to check how good the sword is to go into battle with him. Of course, in real life, this approach would be excessively dangerous, but the samurai found an option to “run” their weapons in conditions as close as possible to a real massacre.
They experienced their swords on … corpses. Drinking their flesh and bones. Sometimes living people also served as “test material” if it was a question of criminals sentenced to execution. Then the masters combined the pleasant with the useful: both the villain executed, and they were convinced as a new sword. This approach may seem radical to someone, but the samurai considered it quite justified, because the sword for them was not just a weapon.
They believed that Katan contains the soul of a warrior, and even gave blades names. This can be explained by both the specifics of Japanese culture, and how difficult the process of manufacturing the sword was. On the way to its final state, Katan has passed many extremely time -consuming stages for several months. And during this time it becomes really difficult to treat the blade as a regular item.
Ancient warriors not in vain paid so much attention to the testing of their swords – each of them was a real work of art, and many served some families for hundreds of years, and were actively used in battles.
For the Vikings, swords also were of great importance and were one of the main values. However, according to legends, their checks were much more harmless and … romantic. They drove the Ephesus of the sword into the bottom of the stream, and a little tover they sent a hair towards the blade. If it was cut into two halves, then the blade was considered good. There is, however, another theory, according to which the sword was thrown on stones and listened to what ringing he makes. But this approach seems much less beautiful and somewhat strange, although some experts even now determine the quality of steel by its sound.
The armor of the knights were not much heavier than the firefighter equipment
In For Honor, warriors, despite the weighty equipment, run, climb, make many quick movements and vigorously wave the blades. Some fans of severe realism began to be indignant: they say, the armor weighed tens of kilograms, the knights barely moved in them and even sat on a horse with the help of special lifts and cranes, and here ..
We hasten to disappoint, all this … myth. As a rule, heavy and excessively uncomfortable, “sophisticated”, armor were used only in some tournaments. In such cases, it is really harder to climb the horse, and each movement is difficult. A set of combat armor weighed about twenty kilograms, metal plates protected only the most important places, while the weight of the protection was competently distributed throughout the body. For comparison, the weight of the hockey player equipment is about fifteen kilograms, and the modern body armor can weigh about ten, and after all, modern special forces are not limited to them alone. Not such a gigantic difference comes out in the end, true?
Despite the elaborate appearance, the armor of the samurai was also quite practical. Metal or varnished leather plates were sewn with strong laces, and a kind of helmet that reminiscent of Darth Vader’s helmet protected his neck from arrows. Some samurai wore huge wraps of Horo, which, when moving or strong winds, soared up and helped the warrior to protect themselves from arrows.
At the same time, the armor is not so much fettered the movements of the knight. Each element of the armor consisted of separate plates fastened with leather belts or mobile rivets. So the warriors actively climbed the stairs, and horses climbed into horses without outside help, and could rise in case of falling. And certainly no one used cranes or lifts to put the knight on the horse.
Swords were also quite convenient in circulation. On average, the blade weighed one or two kilograms, and was also well balanced thanks to the weighty head at the end of the handle. This made it possible to easily wield a trained person with a sword, and an extremely sharp blade allowed to break through the armor and cut off entire parts of the body.
But what limited warriors is … screw stairs in locks. After all, they were invented precisely in order to protect. Even without armor, climbing them for some people is problematic, and even more difficult in armor and in battle many times. In addition, these stairs often “rose” clockwise up, so that the enemies advancing from below had to defend themselves on the left side, which was not easy, given that the majority kept the sword in the right hand.
Vikings were rare cleanlies
In the game, the Vikings do not look dirty rabbits, and according to historians, they were generally much more clean than contemporaries. Many monarchs of those times took baths about once a month, suffered from fleas, and ordinary people stuck like wild animals. The Vikings bathed once a week, on Saturdays (not in vain in the Scandinavian languages, Saturday is called a "bath" day). They also actively used ridges, tweezers, razors and soap, and indeed were somewhat preoccupied with their appearance.
Men, for example, really wanted to be blondes and often used special soap to whiten a beard or hair. And recent excavations showed that the Vikings cut out complex, skillful patterns in their own … on enamel of the teeth. More complicated with tattoos. There are no direct evidence that they were, but some historians claim that the Vikings loved to apply a tattoo throughout the body and even on the face in order to frighten enemies or pay tribute to the gods.
In terms of women's rights, the Vikings also ahead of their time. In ancient times, only Wiking women could initiate a divorce or inherit property.
By the way, the appearance of the Vikings was generally quite different from the literature and cinema imposed by literature. For example, they did not use helmets with horns, except that during some ceremonies, because such helmets are simply impractical. But the image of the Viking in the skins or light armor of leather, bone or quilted fabric is not so far from reality. The soldiers often lacked money for heavy armor or chain mail, and they appreciated mobility like no one else.
In addition, the Vikings, in principle, were much more civilized than is commonly believed. Among them were skilled artists and cutters on wood and metal, the Vikings-Corals built the best ships of that time, and their engineers invented a vertical weaving machine, a pottery and skiing. Not so long ago it turned out that it was the Vikings of the first of the Europeans who reached the coast of America and even founded a settlement there. But it may still be challenged.
Not all Vikings are soulless thugs, just as not all knights and samurai are honest and correct people ..
In For Honor, the situation is not uncommon when one warrior is in a battle against two, or even three opponents. That, taking into account a sufficiently cunning and realistic combat system, is almost equivalent to the verdict. This behavior even received the name No Honor by the players, and in the real world, of course, such things also took place. Moreover, interestingly, far from only from the "bloodthirsty and cruel" Vikings.
As we have already said, the latter were a rather advanced people for their time. The only thing the Vikings were not really different for the better was intolerance to other religions. They had such a tradition – to cut entire temples – which, of course, led horror to ordinary people.
Many Vikings had the custom to cut and burn the nails of the dead, since, according to their legend, the end of the world will be marked by the appearance of the Drakcar of Evil forces created from the nails of the dead.
Only now noble knights were also far from always so noble, now and then allowing themselves to rob villages, marrot, capture and hold entire locks, desert and so on. Some historians even express the idea that they were sent to the Crusades only to send them to hell. Let them rob themselves, kill and rape somewhere in foreign lands.
Even samurai, in words infinitely devoted to their owners, and they traded in robbery and more than once betrayed the overlords. In the cinema and literature, the image is cultivated, according to which every samurai is a warrior of honor, ready to give life for the master. In fact, the samurai were far from so elite warriors, the Busido code did not exist for a long time, and after the appearance it remained only a set of rules that not all observed all.
If the owner was not very kind in relation to his samurai, they could easily make Harakiri himself. And the betrayal and vile murders during the Sengok period was an uncountable number. Moreover, there were “unemployed” samurai who robbed and killed the peasants to survive. And the owners themselves often opposed the Code: it was not beneficial for them that experienced warriors kill themselves, making a mistake. Agree, it is better if a talented warrior perishes in battle, with benefit, which simply kills himself in peacetime.
Women fought too
In FOR Honor, along with male warriors, there are ladies who are not at all inferior to them in battle. And real warriors also existed. So, for example, in medieval Japan, the so-called Onna-Bujai-women-warrings stood on guard. They were trained in martial arts and strategies, participated in competitions along with men. Their main task, according to historians, was still housekeeping, as well as protecting the house and family from enemies.
Women fought not only for samurai. Western sources also have information about women-warriors who fought along with men. For example, about Jeanne de Penturevr or even more famous Jeanne d’Arc.
Thanks to the analysis of the DNA, it turned out that at least a third of the fallen warriors were women from the scene of the 16th century. But you can recall the legendary Nazyno Takeko, who died, defending the Aidzu-Vakamatsu castle in the Bosin war, and Hangaku Morsen, who commanded three thousand soldiers in the battle from the ten thousandth army of the Khojo clan army. What is curious, like in For Honor, such combat girls used a spear with a curved blade, called Naginata.
Katana was not always the main weapon of samurai
For For Honor there are a wide variety of weapons, and even the local samurai fight not only legendary katan. And in reality katana was far from always the main weapon of samurai. Moreover, they were developed relatively late, and initially the swords of Japanese warriors could not stand any criticism.
When the Mongols attacked Japan in Japan, it turned out that the small thin blades of the Japanese warriors break about the armor of the enemy or simply stuck in it. I had to learn to create larger swords, and then completely switch to curved blades, only eventually turned into religious katans. Interestingly, even with their appearance the main weapon of samurai remained long bows. And in the 16th century, with the invention of gunpowder, the Japanese warriors completely switched to guns.
In ancient times, it was the sword that was the subject of pride and a distinctive sign of the knight.
It's funny, but the Viking’s concept of beloved weapons also somewhat diverged with a cinema giant ax. The main thing for Viking was his sword, an expensive, very skillfully made weapon, which was often transmitted from father to son and further through generations. Another extremely common option was one and a half meter spear. The axes of the Vikings, however, also loved, only they were, as a rule, light and relatively short, with wide rounded blades.
Well, the knights, although they used axes and maces, often still preferred swords. The fact is that the church endowed this weapon with almost sacred status, and the law forbade ordinary people to wear such blades, so they already became religious. And over the centuries of bloody battles, both warriors and gunsmiths went through a giant path of fencing on swords, the story of which could stretch on a full-fledged article. And not for one.
And although for Honor is a game not so much about the culture of these legendary warriors as about the battle, we could not miss the chance to plunge into the atmosphere of those times once again. And I want to believe that the game will also give a good opportunity to do this, because, in the end, in addition to the multiplayer, a single campaign awaits us also. And who knows what they have prepared there Ubisoft?
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